Why subscribe?

The Fortt Knox newsletter is where innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership meet. Every day I cover the news and the markets on CNBC’s TechCheck, and I talk to leaders and innovators both on-air and off. Hey, it can be hard to keep track of it all. That’s why, about a year ago, I launched the Fortt Knox newsletter on LinkedIn. Now I’ve decided to experiment with bringing that same newsletter experience outside the LinkedIn platform.

What do you get?

Every week’s newsletter starts with the latest installment of On the Other Hand, the segment I created for CNBC’s Squawk Box. In that segment, I argue with myself; I take about a minute arguing one side of a controversial issue in tech and business, and then I argue another side just as strongly. In our divided culture, it’s important to understand multiple points of view, and I believe civil debate is a great way to draw out important facts and get people thinking.

You also get my latest Fortt Knox interviews:

Fortt Knox 1:1s feature founders and CEOs talking about the toughest problems they’re tackling today, their origin stories, and the challenges that almost destroyed them.

Fortt Knox News interviews check in with founders and CEOs when there’s a news event, whether it’s an earnings report, a fund raise, an acquisition or something else. Occasionally I’ll just do a video analysis on my own.

Fortt Knox: March Forth is a monthly interview series I do with my friend Jayson Council, focusing on social impact in business. (We started it on 3/4/2021, and to “March Forth” means to make progress. Get it?)

Finally, you’ll get portions of interviews I’ve led for CNBC’s TechCheck program and CNBC Events and Councils.

So go ahead and subscribe, and share it. It’ll be fun, I promise.

Subscribe to Fortt Knox: Innovation Curated

An incisive look at the people, events and ideas shaping the future


Fortt Media: A media company seeking the light of cross-cultural understanding.